Intermodal in Poland: Poland – Ukraine business meeting

Conference in Gdańsk

We are proud to be a member and partner of this event. Real Logistics was represented by Oleksandra Soloshenko, Ewelina Fijałkowska, and Sebastian Świniarski – our specialists in railway solutions.

The conference pertained to the current situation in European transport, both in terms of logistics and procedures. As a result of the war, key supply chains running through Ukraine were damaged. The organizers aim to help rebuild lost export and import channels.

The event took place in Gdańsk at the Uphagen Manor (May 26-27, 2022). Transport companies from Poland and Ukraine participated in the meeting. Moreover, representatives of the Port of Gdańsk, Polish and Ukrainian railways, and transshipment terminals attended the conference.

The first part of the meeting focused on the Port of Gdańsk as a section of transcontinental transport chains and the current situation’s impact on new transport corridors. The topic: of port as a gateway to Ukrainian trade was also discussed.
In the second panel of the conference, participants discussed the possibilities and needs of the logistics industry in creating alternative transport routes for Ukraine.

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