Peat Transport – Real Logistics capabilities

Real Logistics specializes in peat transport. We are highly experienced and know how to guarantee the highest quality of this challenging process. We focus on transport by rail from Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia to China.

The freight runs on the New Silk Road, in most cases through the terminals in Lodz and Malaszewicze. We take care of the entire process. We issue a phytosanitary certificate and assist with issuing a certificate of origin and export customs clearance.

Why Real Logistics?

  • Competitive transport prices
  • The vast availability of containers
  • Standardized reloading solutions from a standard truck to a container in our warehouses in Lodz and Malaszewicze
  • A long-term experience in peat export customs producers
  • Full supervision of transport process guaranteed by own branch office in Chengdu, China

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